They know about not venturing alone to the toilets at school and about what constitutes an inappropriate touch. Inside, my conservative nature would rebel at their questioning eyes. I try not to blink and would pretend that is a conversation that happens every day with my little ones. In recent times, discussions of sex would be become topic that is normal in a home with the two siblings who are 10 and 12. I cannot but help but think often now of the lengths that I would go to protect my family. I jealously guard the moments and dare not be late for those annual dates. In recent years, she has been insisting I come early as I have been given the task of cutting her birthday cake. My days are long, sometimes going until 11pm.
Her innocent hugs are something that men would not understand unless they have fathered a little girl. I look at her and I see the love and trust in her eyes. I am taking her out later and she will have a good time.